Le Pays Malouin, Article publié le 05/09/2024

Here is the translation of the article from Le Pays Malouin:

A Novel to Overcome the Fear of Flying

Laurence Thual has spent a significant part of her life traveling the world. From these experiences, she has written a novel that can help people overcome their fear of flying.

Laurence Thual, a former export manager, had to confront her fear of flying. Today, this Malouine (native of Saint-Malo) has published a fictionalized account of her professional experiences, through which she discovered the world.

"Thanks to my job as an export manager, I was traveling abroad every other week!" Laurence Thual, now living in Lyon, has spent a large part of her life crisscrossing the globe, boarding planes dozens of times.

However, after the birth of her son, she found herself unable to board an airplane again: "I would faint or have panic attacks." Step by step, she managed to overcome her fear, which led her to share her experience.

A Two-Sided Book

Today, she has published a book, Turbulences, which fictionalizes her professional adventures, but also serves as a guide to "help those who are afraid to fly, reassure those who have anxiety, and reconcile them with this incredible technological feat." The book mixes stories of cultural shock and everyday turbulence with a desire to help and offer advice.

"One of the amusing situations I experienced was on a flight between Kuwait and Doha in Qatar, where the passenger behind me had a falcon on his arm. Thinking no one would believe me, I approached the man after the flight, and he kindly handed me the glove with the falcon perched on it, allowing me to capture the moment with a photo."

In Bogota, Colombia, before a flight to Mexico, she had to open all her tubes of creams in front of police officers who thought they contained drugs. "It lasted for quite a while, and I was sweating, thinking about those people who unknowingly transport drugs."

A Strong Attachment to Brittany

Despite her countless travels, Brittany has always held a special place in her heart. Laurence Thual is no longer an export manager but has since created her own company, advising and supporting businesses in international markets.

The book is available at the Leclerc cultural space in Saint-Malo and can also be ordered through the Hachette Distribution network (Fnac, Cultura, Decitre, Amazon).

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